April 25, 2005

Linux, http and my blog

Microsoft and the 24-hour Linux phenomenon

Jim Allchin from Microsoft regarding Linux on servers: "Linux is the expected winner".


Jon Udell
on recent discussions about HTTP abuse. Article.


A long TODO: fix this blog. Is terrible broken. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
I know that blogroll is too long, is dynamically load from my Bloglines account. I sent some suggestions to them.

April 23, 2005

religion is broken ?



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com


I think religion in our days is broken. If you ask me if I believe in God, I would say yes, but if I answear to similar questions like this quiz, the answear is no.

PS: I am not satanism or islamism. :P

April 21, 2005

April 15, 2005

rss reader with ratings

Finally, I found out about a rss reader with a feature that I always wanted, ratings for feeds.
Let's see how is to read blogs and feeds with this reader. For now seems to be the best rss reader in the market.

Screenshot with Blogbridge:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

PS: I see some improvements on Blogger, a recover post button, and save as draft, publish post buttons are rounded.

April 12, 2005

standarde deschise

Cine doreşte crearea unui mediu IT dinamic în România poate participa la crearea unei comunităţi care să sprijine standardele deschise.

April 11, 2005


Resources for Websphere.

Nice article about Ant, a powerful toy.

Open-source software written in java can be found here.

gcc4 Release Candidate 1 is out. Can't wait to test it, especially new java open source implementation. Now I can build Eclipse and Gnome-java applications on a open platform.


Want to see popular links from http://del.icio.us/ ? Check http://populicio.us/

See ya!

April 05, 2005

romanian trolls on linux advocacy a

In February I joined Linux advocacy group. Sadly but that group is full of microsoft trolls. Somebody told me that the group was destroyed a long time ago. Today I found out that the trolls are from Romania(Cluj Napoca). Ruşine să vă fie.

Why some people are bashing Linux ? because they are lazy and proud.
They don't want to learn Linux, but they want to remain IT Experts. Instead, they are IT prostitutes.

April 03, 2005

smoking is evil

No smoking

Yet Another Attempt To Quit Smoking. The longest period without smoking was about a year.
So, smoke less, blog more. :)